Every treadmill has a safety feature that will auto-stop the treadmill. It's typically located under the screen. When the string is pulled, the red tab comes out and automatically stops the treadmill. To start it again after using the emergency stop, push the red tab in.
For most treadmills these days you should also be able to plug your headphones in or connect them via Bluetooth if you have earbuds.
To start the treadmill, simply press the Start green button.
If you want, you can also start with your feet on the outside of the treadmill first and then step onto the walking belt once it begins moving. The treadmill will always start at a relatively slow pace.
To increase the speed, find the button with a running man or plus. The more you push it forward, the faster it will go. You should also be able to monitor your speed and that’s how you start going on the treadmill.
If I need to get off the moving belt right away and don't want to jump off the treadmill completely or wait for it to slow-down, I can just hop on the sides of the treadmill.
To slow the treadmill down, pull down the speed tab or click minus button. Most treadmills will have a plus and a minus sign by their speed button: the plus sign will increase speed and the minus sign will reduce it.
You can adjust the incline of a treadmill and monitor it from a screen. To adjust the incline, find the button of the man running uphill for this particular treadmill. It may be located on the left-hand side, plus - will increase the incline, minus - will decrease it.
To finish your workout, press the pause or stop button located on the screen or front of the treadmill. For this treadmill, it'll ask if I want to stop or restart. When stopped, it'll give me an overview of what my workout looks like.