Discover the art of drink shaking with Knowby! Learn the techniques, tips, and tricks to achieve that perfect blend and texture in your beverages. Master the shake and elevate your drink game!
Discover the art of drink shaking with Knowby! Learn the techniques, tips, and tricks to achieve that perfect blend and texture in your beverages. Master the shake and elevate your drink game!
Put the ingredients that have to be shaken.
Take your drinks. In this raspberry kamikaze cocktail we use vodka, triple sec, lime juice.
Pour equal parts of the drinks.
Now it comes the ice and you need to half fill it or three quarters fill it.
Take this and pour it in and seal with a little shake. The coldness will create a nice vacuum so the glass and shaker stick together.
You want the glass piece facing you. Otherwise the drink may spill on you or the person sitting in front of you.
The goal is to get the ice to go back and forth and really mix up the ingredients.
As you shake, you don't just need to go back and forth. This is your time to shine to put your personal flair on it so shake however you want. Whatever you want to do to have fun with it. You're gonna shake for 10 to 12 seconds.
To getting the glass separated from the shaker you're going to get it right in the junction where the glass and the shaker are and begin to separate with an open palm.
I put my strainer on top, it fits the mixing tin and you see the liquid just comes at the bottom and those spirals keep in the ice.
If you don't have a strainer to strain the drink, you take the mixing glass that you were just using and put it into your mixing tin like this. It's frowned upon but it works it works.