App - Approving knowbys

Elevate your Knowby app experience by swiftly managing and approving knowbys. Seamlessly enhance collaboration and maintain control of approvals, all within the user-friendly app interface.

Elevate your Knowby app experience by swiftly managing and approving knowbys. Seamlessly enhance collaboration and maintain control of approvals, all within the user-friendly app interface.


When creating a knowby, choose "Save and exit" to save it as a draft or "Publish" to assign an approver (for editors) or publish it (for admins). If saved as a draft, you can assign an approver to get it approved. Note: Only editors and admins can access draft knowbys.


Access all your drafts in the Workspace section by clicking on the corresponding tab at the top of the screen.


To approve a knowby, click on the three dots button in the top right corner of the knowby card. Then, select "Knowby Details" and press "Approve."


In the provided field, you can add comments to your action that will be stored in Change log (Knowby details/Change log). Comments can be either mandatory (if the Publish/Send button is inactive) or optional, allowing you to publish without entering a comment.


Your knowby will now be located in the "Knowbys" tab on the Home screen, and everyone within your organization will have access to it!