Rollback to a previous knowby version
Ensure precision and control in your Knowby app with the ability to effortlessly rollback to a previous version. Safeguard against errors by easily reverting to a desired state, all within the intuitive app interface.
Ensure precision and control in your Knowby app with the ability to effortlessly rollback to a previous version. Safeguard against errors by easily reverting to a desired state, all within the intuitive app interface.
From the Knowbys screen, select the ellipses icon of the knowby that you wish to roll back to a previous version.
Select 'Knowby Details' from the pop-up menu.
From the details menu, select 'Version History'.
Select the previous version that you wish to rollback to.
Select the ellipses icon on the top right hand corner of the knowby. After, select 'Restore this version to edit'. A new draft will be created based off the version that you selected.
Make any further necessary changes as desired, then select 'Save' in the top right hand corner of the knowby.
Enter a comment for the new version, select 'done'. Select 'Publish', the knowby will process and save. You have now successfully rolled back a published knowby to a previous version.